Birmingham Centenary Square Competition

The key method for creating friendly, multi-faceted, safe and flexible square is to reduce traffic via exclusive introduction of public transport. This will result in pedestrian and cycle priority and therefore shall improve connectivity with surrounding open spaces and walkable routes. Additional cycle paths reconnect existing bike routes, thus forming a coherent biking system. The design gives new green quality: (i) row of trees to separate street from the square; (ii) trees and benches near Hall of Memory to create intimate space; (iii) lawn with hill and shrub areas around the well which form green point to improve excellent place for spontaneous activity with good microclimate and water retention conditions. The green elements are connected to other Birmingham parks (e.g. Cambridge Street Gardens) so as to create the impression of green continuity. The square links important cultural heritage, therefore the design respects and promotes a positive cultural transformation of the site, hence space for temporary events, exhibitions and outdoor performances in the western part of the square. The new concept creates authentic character, environmental quality and attractive place to live and work by linking all important city elements: open space, public transport, greenery and water, pedestrian and bike routes.

Skład zespołu konkursowego:
arch. kraj Marta Migaj
arch. kraj. Natalia Oleksy
arch. kraj. Julianna Gorczyńska (4Landscape)